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analogic distraction


Sound installation

speaker(5.1ch), directional speaker(stereo),ceramic


prime ” bin ”   1993-2000  13:21 (music)

prime ” oct ”   1993-2000  10:15 (music)


I live in the digital age, thus I sometimes feel that analog is new. This feeling also comes to me during creation of sculptures. For me, analog processes are more fresh while digital processes are ordinary. The background of the digitalization is our tireless desire to pursue convenience in everything. Complicated things became simple and huge things became compact. Recently, it is becoming ordinary for us that everything can be done by just calling "Hey, Siri" without pushing any button. Then even ordinary things are also being evolved.

I had extracted my enormous private time axis in my previous work of ”analoigic distraction (score)" in 2018.  This time,  I revised it partially and converted all data of prime numbers from 1993 to 2000 into binary and octal numbers to make music of 181 bars. On the data, I dismantled the time that I should have experienced, and reconstructed them as sound, and then launched it into the space. In my sense,  visual sight is no longer required for the sculpture that was ordinarily established by seeing. It has changed to beat that resonates with the body.

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